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Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

Discover a New Sense of Confidence With Rhinoplasty Surgery

Your nose is the focal point of your face. Enhance your overall appearance and achieve symmetry, balance, and harmony among your facial features with a rhinoplasty procedure in Bondi Junction.

Preparing for Rhinoplasty

Before you can undergo surgery, you will first need to sit down with an experienced Consultant to determine what your problem areas are and how to best achieve a result that will balance your appearance. At Refine Clinic, we strive to deliver a customer-oriented experience, so we offer a free consultation with our experienced Consultant who works very closely with our doctors.

Before surgery, your doctor will advise of any important instructions you should follow. For example, smokers should be prepared to quit before being able to undergo any type of cosmetic enhancement. Eating a healthy diet and refraining from alcohol, drugs, and certain medications – like NSAIDs or blood thinners – is highly recommended to ensure a successful surgery and smooth recovery.

Different Types of Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a broad term to refer to one area of nasal surgery, which is most notably used for cosmetic enhancements. Other surgical techniques, like septoplasty for a deviated septum, focus on a more specific area or condition in the nose. Rhinoplasty in Bondi Junction can be performed in various ways, including open or closed. It may sometimes be referred to as a primary or secondary rhinoplasty, depending on if you are having your first surgery or a corrective procedure to alter or further correct a past surgery. The recovery time for different rhinoplasty surgeries in Bondi may vary.

Additionally, there are different ways to address aesthetic or congenital deformities with the nose and rhinoplasty recovery time will vary with each. Some patients may desire an augmentation rhinoplasty, which can involve bone or tissue grafting using cartilage from different parts of the nose or body to enhance your current nasal structure. A reduction rhinoplasty, on the other hand, can help to reshape the nose or nostrils, address bumps on the bridge, reduce an elongated nasal tip and address similar cosmetic issues.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

As we mentioned, rhinoplasty is a broad term for a surgery that has various approaches and techniques that a doctor can use to achieve the desired results. When asking ‘how is rhinoplasty done in Sydney’, it is important to remember the approach for one patient may not be ideal for another. In most cases, however, your doctor will perform the surgery one of two ways: open or closed.

Open Rhinoplasty

Essentially, this means that the doctor will lift the skin from the tip of the nose to allow for a more precise and detailed approach at your rhinoplasty. Your doctor will have better access to the bone and cartilage, but this procedure may leave more scar tissue, although it is possible to perform in such a way that the incision scar is nearly invisible to the untrained eye.

Closed Rhinoplasty

This approach greatly reduces the risk for scarring or scar tissue, and often still allows your doctor to successfully perform your rhinoplasty without having to lift the skin.

The Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is an excellent way to correct imperfections in the nose that may make you feel embarrassed or self-conscious about your appearance. For some patients, it can correct defects caused by injury, disease, or genetics and help them feel more confident when they look in the mirror.

A rhinoplasty in Bondi Junction can help correct:

  • The overall shape, size, and structure of your nose
  • Bumps on the bridge
  • A wide or thick nose
  • A nasal tip that droops, is crooked or protrudes
  • Nostrils that flare excessively
  • A crooked or asymmetrical nose
  • Breathing or snoring problems that stem from nasal issues

Contact Refine Clinic today to learn more about the benefits associated with rhinoplasty surgery, including aesthetic improvements to your facial profile and overall appearance. We offer a free consultation with our experienced Consultant to men and women in Australia and are conveniently located near the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney in Bondi Junction, NSW. 

About Refine Clinic

Refine Cosmetic Clinic is a high-end cosmetic facility that offers quality aesthetic enhancement services to men and women who reside in and around the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. We employ state-of-the-art technology and expert techniques. We are located in Bondi Junction and have delivered incredible rhinoplasty results to patients seeking facial and body surgery in Australia. Contact us today for your complimentary consultation with our experienced Consultant!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long does it take to Recover from Rhinoplasty?

Taking the time to recover fully from rhinoplasty is an important step to achieving a beautiful facial profile. Rhinoplasty recovery time can often take several weeks, but most patients can return to work, school, or their daily routine after the second week. It’s important not to strain yourself, however, so you may need to take additional time off if your job requires strenuous activity. The first few days after your procedure, however, you may require some help to complete everyday tasks and have some difficulty eating or chewing. It is recommended to eat soft foods and soups during this time.

When Can I Return to Work?
Patients are often concerned with asking how long does it take to recover from rhinoplasty so they can plan their schedule for returning to work. When you plan going back to work after rhinoplasty, it is important to be sure to give yourself enough time to rest and recover in the first week or two following surgery. Talk to your doctor, and listen to what they recommend for the extent of treatment you desire and then plan accordingly.
Will I Be Able to Exercise After Rhinoplasty?

As with most surgeries, strenuous activity should be avoided for the first few weeks, especially anything involving your face or bending. Light cardio can help to aid blood flow and encourage recovery, so a short walk around the block can be helpful in the first week or two following treatment. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercises and discuss their expectations for when you can resume exercising again.

When Will I See Results?
While most patients will start to see most of their inflammation reducing by the second or third week, it can be up to a year before patients see the full results of their rhinoplasty. The face is an especially delicate area, so it can take longer than other procedures for your surgery to fully heal. Thankfully, the majority of your rhinoplasty will be visible to others once the swelling subsides, so you can still enjoy the benefits of your new appearance within a few months.

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